Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
    Go to the [Process editor] section (Fig. 1)
    Fig. 1.  Opening the Process editor section
    Image Removed
    Click the [Add New] button to add a
  1. Go to the [Process editor] section (Fig. 1)
    Fig. 1.  Opening the Process editor section
    Image Added

  2. Click the [Add New] button to add a new script (Fig. 2)
    Fig. 2. Clicking the [Add New] button
    Image Modified

  3. Enter the 'Process name', 'Process Display Name' and choose the 'Type' of call this script will used for (Fig. 3)
    Fig. 3. Entering the Process name, Process Display Name and choosing the Type of call this script will used for
    Image Modified

  4. Add some information to the general information:
    1. Add items to a Contact tab
      1. Drag and drop the [Text] icon to the [General info] field (Fig. 4)
        Fig. 4. Dragging and dropping the [Text] icon to the [General info] field
        Image Modified

      2. Click [Label] (Fig. 5)
        Fig. 5. Clicking [Label]
        Image Modified

      3. Drag and drop one of the property into the label field and then click [Save] (Fig. 6)
        Fig. 6.  Dragging and dropping one of the properties into the label field
        Image Modified

      4. Click [Text to display] (Fig. 7)
        Fig. 7. Clicking [Text to display]
        Image Modified

      5. Drag and drop the same property into the text field as in the previous step (Fig. 8)
        Fig. 8. Dragging and dropping the property into the text field
        Image Modified
        This information will be propagated to the general info if it is available.
      6. Click [Save]Click [X] to delete this information (Fig. 9)
        Fig. 9. Deleting the information
        Image Removed
      7. Click [
    Add New Property
      1. X] to
    add a new property
      1. delete this information (Fig.
    10). The new item you are going to add must already exist in Creatio
      1. 9)
    10. Adding new property
    Image Removed



      1. 9. Deleting the information
        Image Added

  1. Click [Add New Property] to add a new property (Fig. 10). The new item you are going to add must already exist in Creatio



  1. Fig. 10. Adding new property


  1. Image Modified


    1. Enter a Creatio Property Name and Display Name, than click [Save] (Fig. 11)



    1. Fig. 11. Adding Creatio Property Name and Display Name and saving it



    1. Image Modified


  1. Add a new tab


    1. ...

        1. Click [+] to add a new tab (Fig. 12)


        1. Fig. 12. Adding a new tab


        1. Image Modified


        1. To rename the tab, double click it and enter the name, than click anywhere on the screen to save it (Fig. 13)


        1. Fig. 13. Renaming the tab and


        1. saving


        1. Image Modified


        1. Click [x] to delete the tab (Fig. 14)



        1. Fig. 14. Deleting the tab


        1. Image Modified


      1. Create the call script


        1. ...

            1. Click the [Call script] (Fig. 15)



            1. Fig. 15. Opening the Call script section


            1. Image Modified


            1. Click the [Add Step] button (Fig. 16)



            1. Fig. 16. Clicking Add Step button


            1. Image Modified


            1. Click Step 1, than enter a Step name and click [Save] (Fig. 17)


            1. Fig. 17. Clicking Step 1, entering a Step name and saving


            1. Image Modified


            1. Add text to the


            1. step
              1. Drag and drop the [Text] control to the block (Fig. 18)


              1. Fig. 18. Dragging and dropping the [Text] control to the block


              1. Image Modified


              1. To enter text, click [Text to display] and enter text in the [Text] field (Fig. 19)


              1. Fig. 19. Entering the text in the [Text] field

                     Image Removed


              1. Image Added

              2. Click [Save] (Fig. 20)


              1. Fig. 20. Saving the text in the [Text] field


              1. Image Modified


              1. You can add more text to this field



              1. Click the [+] button to do this (Fig. 21)


              1. Fig. 21. Adding more text to the field


              1. Image Modified


              1. To enter text, click [Text to display] and enter text in the [Text] field, click [Save]



              1. Click the [-] button to delete it (Fig. 22):


              1. Fig. 22. Deleting the text


              1. Image Modified


            1. Add a dropdown to a


            1. step
              1. Drag and drop the [Dropdown] control (Fig. 23) to the block



              1. Fig. 23. Dragging and dropping the [Dropdown] control to the block


                    Image Removed


              1. Image Added

              2. To enter text, click [Text] and enter text in the [Text] field (Fig. 24)


              1. Fig. 24. Entering the text in the [Text] field


              1. Image Modified


              1. Click [Save] (Fig. 25)



              1. Fig. 25. Saving the text in the [Text] field


              1. Image Modified


              1. Click the [DropDown] box (Fig. 26) and fill out the fields to customize the dropdown



              1. Fig. 26. Customizing the dropdown


              1. Image Modified


              1. Click [Save] (Fig. 27)


              1. Fig. 27. Saving the dropdown

                      Image Removed


              1. Image Added

              2. Drag (Fig. 28) and drop the box (Fig. 29) to move it to a certain position in this step



              1. Fig. 28. Moving the box to a certain position


              1. Image Modified


              1. Fig. 29. Dragging and dropping the box to a certain position


              1. Image Modified


            1. Add [Input] to the


            1. step
              1. Drag and drop the [Input] control (Fig. 30) to the block



              1. Fig. 30. Dragging and dropping the [Input] control to the block


              1. Image Modified


              1. To enter text, click [Text] and enter text in the [Text] field (Fig. 31)


              1. Fig. 31. Entering the text in the [Text] field


              1. Image Modified


              1. Click [Save] (Fig. 32)


              1. Fig. 32. Saving the text in the [Text] field


              1. Image Modified


              1. Click the [Input] box, fill in the fields, and click [Save] to customize the input field (Fig. 33)



              1. Fig. 33. Customizing the [Input] field


              1. Image Modified


            1. Add [input (large)] to the


            1. step
              1. Drag and drop the [Input (large)] control to the block (Fig. 34)



              1. Fig. 34. Dragging and dropping the [Input (large)] control to the block


              1. Image Modified


              1. Click the [Input (large)] box, fill in the fields and click [Save] to customize this field (Fig. 35)



              1. Fig. 35. Customizing the [Input (large)] field


              1. Image Modified


              1. Drag (Fig. 36) and drop the box (Fig. 37) to move it to a certain position in this step


              1. Fig. 36. Moving the box to a certain position


              1. Image Modified


              1. Fig. 37. Dragging and dropping the box to a certain position


              1. Image Modified


              1. Click the [X] button to delete this box (Fig. 38)



              1. Fig. 38. Deleting the box


              1. Image Modified

                        h. Add button to the step 


            1. Add button to the step
              1. Drag and drop the [Button] control (Fig. 39) to the block to add a new button box



              1. Fig. 39. Dragging and dropping the [Button] control to the block


              1. Image Modified



              1. Click the [Button] to customize it (Fig. 40)


              1. Fig. 40. Customizing the [Button]


              1. Image Modified


              1. Enter the button name and select from the dropdown list a step this button leads to (Fig. 41). The button can lead to the next record, and when you click it, a new record of new contact will be opened according to your list, or it can also lead to the other existing steps


              1. Fig. 41. Entering the name of the button and selecting from the dropdown list a step this button leads


              1. to
                Image Added

              2. Click [Save] (Fig. 42)


              1. Fig. 42. Saving the text in the [Button]


              1. Image Modified


              1. Drag (Fig. 43) and drop the box (Fig. 44) to move it to a certain position in this step


              1. Fig. 43. Moving the box to a certain position


              1. Image Added

                Fig. 44. Dragging and dropping the box to a certain position
                Image Added
              2. Click the [X] button to delete this box (Fig. 45)



              1. Fig. 45. Deleting the box


              1. Image Modified


          1. Click [Submit], this button saves the structure of the call script (Fig. 46)



          1. Fig. 46. Saving the structure of the call script


          1. Image Modified



          1. Click [Publish] to use the call script (Fig. 47)


          1. Fig. 47. Publishing the call script


          1. Image Modified