This manual can help to adjust the Call Analitycs for the Kazoo and Ring Central. General System settings in the Creatio are similar for Kazoo and Ring Central. Different steps in Analitycs Authorization will be described
In the left menu select the “Studio” ‘Studio’ option (Fig. 1) Fig. 1
In the opened section on the left select
‘System Setting’ and after that
click on the ‘Velvetel Call Analitycs’ (Fig. 2) Fig. 2
For the ‘Analytics Account ID’ and ‘Authentication service api key’ settings required data should be requested from the support. (Fig. 3) It can be done via the following email: Received data should be filled into the ‘Default value’ fields (Fig. 4, Fig. 5). All other options should be untouched and in the default states Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
For the listed settings, the following values should be filled into the ‘Default value’ fields (Fig. 6, Fig.7): All other options should be untouched and in the default states
Audio Loader Endpoint -
Authentication service endpoint -
Entity Recognition Endpoint -
Transcripts Endpoint -
Transcript UI URL - Fig. 6
Fig. 7 (As an example ‘Authentication service endpoint’)