A general description of the Creatio setup
This is the list of all Twilio settings that should be configured in the Creatio system (Fig. 1)
Fig. 1 Settings listTo enter the ‘System settings’ section and select the required settings, please use steps 1 and 2 from this guide Creatio Setup
Twilio Account SID, Twilio Account token, VvtTwilioBaseAPIUrl, Twilio default number(caller id) settings are configured in the same way as for Twillio connector according to this guide points from 3 to 6 Creatio Setup
Twilio TaskRouter WorkspaceSid. WorkspaceSid where a Taskrouter is configured. To configure this setting in Creatio select a corresponding value from the Twilio ‘Workspaces’ section (Fig. 2)
Fig. 2 Workspaces SID location in Twilio systemTwilio workflow for outbound tasks. Workflow is responsible for task distribution between queues. It is important to select particular queues’ workflow where the current Agent is situated. The value will be used for the outbound tasks. To configure this setting in Creatio select a corresponding value from the Twilio ‘Workflows’ section (Fig. 3)
Fig. 3 Workflow SID location in TwilioThe value is filled similarly to this section: Flex → Manage → Voice (Fig. 4)
Fig. 4 Voice section in Twilio
Twilio TaskQueue for outbound tasks. TaskQueue is responsible for the task distributions between users in the queue. The specific queue should be indicated in which the current user is situated. The value will be filled for the outbound tasks. To configure this setting in Creatio select a corresponding value from the Twilio ‘Tasks Queues’ section (Fig. 5)
Fig. 5 Tasks Queues SID location in TwilioTwilioFlex number mask. Telephone number mask is used to determ whether the call is internal or external. маска номера телефона, чтоб определить является ли звонок внешним или внутренним. Внешний звонок пойдет через Twilio Flex, внутренний через Twilio Voice без создания таски
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