Preconditions: Check that you are the Admin to be able to make the configurations that will be described further

Note: Without configurations that are described in this guide, the CallerID dropdown feature will not work even if all settings are done in the corresponding section in Creatio

In this guide, you will learn how to set up Velvetel Callflows to enable the ‘CallerID dropdown’ feature

  1. To start the configuration you should find a callflow for the outgoing call ‘no_match’. Enter the corresponding cluster Portal URL:

    1. US cluster -

    2. EU cluster -

  2. Enter your

    1. Username

    2. Password

    3. Account Name

  3. Click on the 'Apps' icon in the upper bar (Fig.1) 
    Fig. 1 Location of the 'Apps' icon 

  4. Select ‘Callflows’ application (Fig. 2)
    Fig. 2 Location of the ‘Callflows’ application

  5. Click on the ‘Callflows’ section (Fig. 3)
    Fig.3 Selection of the ‘Callflows’ element

  6. Find the ‘no_match’ callflow in the left-side menu (Fig. 4)
    Fig. 4 Left-side menu

  7. This is the default structure of the ‘no_match’ callflow (Fig. 5)

IMPORTANT: If your 'no_match' callflow is different from what is presented below, please stop at this point and reach to the support team with description of what you are trying to achieve

Fig. 5 ‘no_match’ default structure

  1. In the right-side menu open a ‘Caller-ID’ section (1) to find a ‘Keep CID’ element (2). And drag-n-drop ‘KEEP CID’ element on the arrow between the beginning and Global Carrier element (3) (Fig. 6)

Fig. 6 Location and Selection of ‘Keep CID’ element

  1. In the opened modal window select the ‘P-Preferred-Identity’ Header (1) and press ‘Save’ (2). (Fig. 7) NOTE: This Header must be selected in the Creatio for the ‘CallerID dropdown’ feature configuration. To know more, see the following guide: Use My Number Feature
    Fig. 7 ‘P-Preferred-Identity’ Header selection

  2. To set prioritization of the several Headers that are selected, point and hold the cursor against the drug-n-drop control (1) and move upside-down the Header (2) (Fig. 8). By Default, you can keep the settings from the screenshots
    Fig. 8 Drag-n-Drop actions

  3. Click on the block above the ‘Global Carrier’ element (Fig. 9)
    Fig. 9 Entering ‘Keep CID’ options section

  4. In the opened window select ‘Keep CID option’ (1) of how this condition will be processed and press the ‘Save’ button (2) (Fig. 10 )

    1. Matched - the flow goes to the next element If the CID was added on the Creatio side

    2. Default action - the flow goes to the next element If the CID was NOT added on the Creatio side

    Fig. 10 Keep CID options

  5. After the ‘no_match’ callflow was configurated press the ‘Save’ Button (Fig. 11)
    Fig. 11 Saving the callflow