Connector Installation

Connector Installation


How to Install the Connector

Installation Process

  1. Sign in to the targeted Creatio instance (https://www.creatio.com/?lang=en). If you are the new user you can request access to the trial version here – https://www.creatio.com/trial/creatio 

  2. Open the [System designer] section by clicking 

     in the top right corner of the application window

  3. Go to the [Installed Applications] section

  4. Click the [Add Application] button, and select the [Choose from Marketplace] option to open Creatio Marketplace (Fig.1)
    Fig.1. Adding the application from the Installed Applications section



  5. Enter the "Twilio connector" in the search field and click on the application to install the connector

  6. Sign in to Creatio Marketplace and click [Install]

  7. The installation page with the domain name will open. The domain name is predefined if you are signed into Creatio as an admin. Click the [Install] button and you will be taken to the Application Installation page

  8. Click the [Install] button. Users get a free 14-day trial license for 5 users which you can distribute later

  9. Once you finish installation, the application will appear in the [Installed Applications] section

  10. Go to the ‘Studio’ tab and open the ‘System Settings’ section (Fig. 2)
    Fig. 2. Opening the ‘System Settings’ section


  11. Then open the ‘Default messages exchange library’ and choose the ‘Telephony integration library based on Velvetech protocol’ (Fig. 3)
    Fig. 3. Opening the ‘Default messages exchange library’ and choose the ‘Telephony integration library based on Velvetech protocol’


  12. Click the ‘Save’ button and refresh the page

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