Admin interface

Admin interface

  1. Log in as Administrator (manager) (Fig. 1)
    Fig. 1. Log in page


  2. Go to [Queue Settings] section (Fig. 2)
    Fig. 2. Queue Settings


  3. Click [Create New Queue] button (Fig. 3)
    Fig. 3. Creating a new queue

    Go to Queue Settings to learn how to set up a new Call Queue

  4. When the Call Queue is created, go to [Call Center] (Fig. 4)
    Fig. 4. Call Center


  5. Queues, agents, and their status can be found in the Call Center (Fig. 5)
    Fig. 5. Queue Information


    1. If the Agent needs to receive calls, the status of the Agent should be ‘Available’ (Fig. 6)
      Fig. 6. Agent Status Available


    2. If a user calls to a queue, and all agents in the queue are unavailable, the user will hold on the line until anyone of them will be available

    3. To set up incoming phone number for the queue, please use the Callflows app of the Velvetel platform (Fig. 7)
      Fig. 7. Velvetel platform Apps


    4. When the phone set up is completed, go to Call Queue and change the status from ‘Logged Out’ to ‘Available’ for agent and if there a call holding in the queue, it will be sent to the agent. Agent status will be changed to ‘Ringing’

    5. When the call is answered, it will be transferred from ‘Waiting Calls’ to ‘Calls in Progress’. Agent status will be changed to ‘Talking’ (Fig. 8)
      Fig. 8. Calls In Progress


    6. When the call is ended, agent status will be changed to ‘Wrapping Up’

    7. Duration of the ‘Wrapping Up’ status can be changed in the Call Queue. When this period is over, the status will be automatically set as ‘Available’

    8. If the Agent makes an outgoing call, or he recieves the call not from the queue, it's status will be changed to ‘Busy’

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