Setting up identification lookup for call/SMS synchronization

Setting up identification lookup for call/SMS synchronization

Call Analytics module as well as Creatio CTI connectors come with the feature of call synchronization. For Call and SMS data mapping to occur it is necessary to configure corresponding lookups in the Creatio system.

  1. Go to the ‘Lookups’ section. It can be done via the left-side main menu Studio → Lookups OR via ‘Settings’ (gear icon) → Lookups

  2. Enter in the search field ‘communication’ and press the confirmation button (Fig. 1)
    Fig. 1 Searching for lookups


    1. Open a 'Communication option types' lookup (Fig. 2)
      Fig. 2 Communication option types lookup


    2. A lookups table will be shown (Fig. 3)
      Fig. 3 Lookups Table

      1. By default required columns are not shown. To add them click on the ‘View’ (1) dropdown and select ‘Select fields to display’ option (2) (Fig. 4)
        Fig. 4 Entering columns management section


      2. Click on the plus button (Fig. 5)
        Fig. 5 Plus button

      3. Click on the search field (1) and in the dropdown find the names of the following columns (2) Use to match Accounts (Calls), Use to match Contacts, Use to match Accounts (VvtSMS), Use to match Contacts (VvtSMS) (Fig. 6)
        Fig. 6 Columns Names

      4. Click on the required name and press ‘Select’. (Fig. 7) Please note that you should perform these steps for every column name.
        Fig. 7 Name Selection

      5. After all columns have been added press the ‘Save’ button to apply the changes (Fig. 8 ). Selected columns will be shown in the Table.
        Fig. 8 Saving changes

      6. To enable synchronization for the required source ‘Yes’ should be set in the newly added columns. An example of the ‘Business phone’ (Fig. 9)
        Fig. 9 Example

        Please note, that it only makes sense too adjust these values for the “Phone“ communication option types, as only phones are used in the Call and SMS syncing process.

      7. After settings were made - close the lookup


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