How to set up Follow Agent feature

How to set up Follow Agent feature

Follow agent feature allows telephony to remember which agent contacted which contact.
This, in turn, means that we can route the contact's calls directly to the agent, who already had a call with this contact previously. This allows assigning personal managers automatically based on the call history.

Follow Agent feature consists of two elements: Save Call and Guide Call.

Save Call is the element that can be added to an outgoing callflow and allows to save the call from an agent to the client. When the client calls back next time, the system will automatically recognize which agent the client is related to.

Guide Call is the element that can be added to the callflow and when the client calls back, it allows to recognize if the agent, the client was talking to before is online.

How to set up these elements:

  1. Choose and click the Callflows app in Your Apps (Fig. 1).
    Fig. 1. Choosing the Callflows app


  2. Click the [Callflows] button (Fig. 2).
    Fig. 2. Clicking the [Callflows] button

  3. Choose the callflow from the left side menu and click it to open (Fig. 3).
    Fig. 3. Choosing and opening the callflow

  4. Setting up a Save Call feature:

    1. Choose the Save Call element from the right side menu (Fig. 4) and drag it to the callflow (Fig. 5).
      Fig. 4. Choosing the Save Call element

      Fig. 5. Dragging the Save Call element to the callflow.

    2. Then choose the select boxes with the Save Call options and click the [Save] button (Fig. 6):

      1. Allow extensions - this option allows to consider internal calls between extensions in the guide call feature;

      2. Check DID owner - this option allows to check if the Caller or the Called phone number is owned by the current account.
        Fig. 6. Choosing the Save Call options and saving them

    3. Click the [Save Changes] button to save the Save Call settings (Fig.7).
      Fig. 7. Clicking the [Save Changes] button

  5. Setting up a Guide Call feature:

    1. Click Add Callflow (Fig. 8).
      Fig. 8. Adding a Callflow

    2. Click the Add Call number panel (Fig. 9).
      Fig. 9. Clicking Add Call number

    3. Choose from the dropdown list the number you want to add and click the [Add] button (Fig. 10).
      Fig. 10. Choosing the number from the drodown list and adding it

    4. Then choose the Guide Call element from the right side menu (Fig. 11) and drag it to the callflow (Fig. 12).
      Fig. 11. Choosing the Guide Call element

      Fig. 12. Dragging the Guide Call element to the callflow

    5. Choose the Match rules for the Guide call and click the [Save] button (Fig. 13).

      1. Strict - this mode locates the record using both Caller ID and Called ID;

      2. Soft - this mode locates the record using just Caller ID.
        Fig. 13. Choosing the Match rules and saving them

    6. Click the [Save Changes] button to save the Guide Call settings (Fig. 14).
      Fig. 14. Clicking the [Save Changes] button

      If you want to add the Guide Call element to the existing callflow, just drag and drop it on the arrow between elements of your callflow.